I had this question for a long time , especially for Maven bundles. I am not sure if this is the right way but I figured out something after going through many (actually not dat many ) How to add a third party bundle to you AEM package ? | LinkedIn Hope this helps .
I would really like to know if this is a right way to do this. Anybody who has previously done this can let me know if this is ok. For me the packages are behaving as expected even when I do fresh build.
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Jörg Hoh I tested this in 6.2 . Embed for particular jars is working only in 6.3 and above.
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The content-package-maven-plugin is independent from AEM versions. I use this approach since at least AEM 5.6 times...
Based on my experience I cannot confirm that this is something solely for 6.3 and later. Maybe you can be more specific here.
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Hi Jorg
I am trying to add some AWS jars to the package . It works fine in 6.3 for me . But the same thing when I tried for my existing project which is in 6.2 , even thought I can see the bundle under install folder, it is not showing up in the felix console.
I am embedding the above bundles to my package. This works fine in 6.3 , but the AWS bundle is not getting installed in the felix console. It is reflecting in the install folder of my project but not getting installed in the felix console . I get the below error in the console in 6.2 . Clearly my bundle is not able to resolve this dependencies. So I assume this shud be an issue only with the AWS bundle alone.
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I guess that's rather a dependency problem on AEM 6.2 on an OSGI level. But nevertheless the way how to bring these bundles into an AEM instance (even if the bundle is not properly resolving then) is agnostic to the AEM version.
Gotcha !!
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Sharing a blog which explains how to use Third-party bundles when:
It also covers the configs needed for deployment via Cloud manager
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