page load is required to work this ?
my requiremnet is like that : if am at /content/dam/we-retail ...should be able to see the button whcih i added on the top menu of aem .....and if i am at /content/dam/anyotherfolder ...should not be able to see the button ...
I Tried render condition granite:rendercondition with servelt resourceType worked but my servlet get triggerd only on page load ....
On navigating in aem ..from conetent to dam to we -retail there is no page load untill and unless i refresh the page my render condition servelt doesnt work
This link i found bt this alos didnt work but this suggests similar thing which is my requirement and i saw the git hub for the below link didnt understand they are considering page load or not ,,please suggest .
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Got The solution ...just used granite:id and used show() and hide() function
Hi @AdobeID24 ,
I have an requirement to hide the download button for the assets under /content/dam/my-project/teams-folder. So i am trying to use the path granite render condition for the download button which is under /libs/dam/gui/content/assets/jcr:content/actions/selection/download. can you please give an suggestion.
Thanks in advance!
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