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Goole Page Speed reporting Scene7 Images loading very slow


Level 2

Hello Community Members,


We are facing a tricky issue with respect to the loading time of Dynamic Media images through Scene7 URLs. When we open the pages in browser, these images load from Scene7 CDN perfectly fine, most of times in less than a second. However, Google Page Speed is always reporting quite long delays, often over 5 seconds.


did anyone face such issue before, if so, how was it fixed? or in the contrary, is Scene7 CDN throttling requests from Google Page Speed servers [as the long Load Delay may suggest the request being in queue]?


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

The difference is because Google PageSpeed uses a throttled network configuration on mobile when running the report, while you don't have this in your browser by default. However, if you are sure the image is not lazy load and it is not loaded through JS you should be fine. Make sure scene7 js are loading as fas as they can.

Hope this helps

Esteban Bustamante

View solution in original post

4 Replies


Level 10

@Samba_Kolusu This is a common issue comes with hero component which first get visible on page load and show high LCP. Providing min-height to image and width by default be 100% will resolve the issues.

Also, to have better performance preload and lazy load the image.  


Community Advisor


Actually, it is the opposite. If you are dealing with LCP in the hero, you must eagerly load the hero image (disable lazy loading), but make sure this setting is applied only to this image, so it is loaded first and not deferred. Additionally, adding a preconnect to the scene domain will help. You can find more information about this at: https://www.debugbear.com/blog/resource-hints-rel-preload-prefetch-preconnect 


Hope this helps.

Esteban Bustamante


Level 2

the image is eagerly loaded, and i see no issue when the page is opened in a browser; the issue is 
Google Page Speed Insights is reporting very slow loading of the same image, often over 6 seconds, majorly in WAITING state.

i could not understand why would the image being loaded FAST in browser load so slowly in Google Page Speed Tests


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

The difference is because Google PageSpeed uses a throttled network configuration on mobile when running the report, while you don't have this in your browser by default. However, if you are sure the image is not lazy load and it is not loaded through JS you should be fine. Make sure scene7 js are loading as fas as they can.

Hope this helps

Esteban Bustamante