Hi guys,
is there a way in AEM to get a value from AEM runmodes in client-side JS?
I have a key value that is changing depending on the environment, it needs to be on client-side JS since it is calling a widget integration.
Thanks before!
The runmode values are something you can get either via server side Java API or using Server Side JS.
Now I don't know if this is the right way to do it , but one thing what is coming to mind right now is to add the runmode as a hidden value in an html element in your page and then using the client side JS , fetch value from the element . I would really love to see other expert opinion on this .
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Hi Veena!
Exactly I was thinking the same way as you do putting it on HTML as a hidden value. However I don't really feel that it is very correct approach
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I don't think so there is any harm if you want to expose some value in hidden field or as JSON/javascript variable based on run mode at client side. If you expose all the run mode then that could be the vulnerability.
I would suggest do all the calculation based on run mode at server side and base on outcome set different/boolean variable.
Or store key in osgi config and access directly.
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You should not expose the concept of runmodes to your frontend. Instead you should define a marker which is queried by your frontend; and this marker might be rendered directly into the page or queried via JSON. And the presence of the marker in the markup (or JSON) is controlled by an OSGI configuration which can be set via runmode-based OSGI configuration.
Otherwise you need to have knowledge in your frontend about backend specifics.
To manage/configure run mode specific value, you should use run mode osgi configuration and read key value using model.and store either in HTML hidden element or JSON object or use it if applicable. It will remove the extra run mode check overhead.
But if you want to check run mode, you have to go with server side JS Api or Java.
<div data-sly-use.head="logic.js">
<p><b>Modes :</b> ${head.runmodes}</p>
<p><b>Is This author :</b> ${head.author}</p>
<p><b>Is This Publish :</b> ${head.publish}</p>
var SlingSettingsService = Packages.org.apache.sling.settings.SlingSettingsService;
use(function () {
// Get runmodes and transform them into an object that is easier to read for Sightly
var runmodesObj = {};
var runmodesSet = sling.getService(SlingSettingsService).getRunModes();
var iterator = runmodesSet.iterator();
var isauthor=sling.getService(SlingSettingsService).getRunModes().contains("author");
var ispublish=sling.getService(SlingSettingsService).getRunModes().contains("publish");
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
runmodesObj[iterator.next()] = true;
return {
runmodes: runmodesObj,
author: isauthor,
publish: ispublish
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Hi @arunpatidar,
I tried the above JS code but at Packages.org..., it is throwing error: {Uncaught ReferenceError: Packages is not defined}. Please let me know how can we resolve it.
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The logic.js is not clientside js , it is JS USE API, which runs only in AEM.
using logic.js, you can get run mode and inject into HTML/Sightly DOM as data-attribute and then write client side javascript to fetch run mode from data attribute.
Use 'wcmmode' or 'cq-authoring-mode' cookie per your use case. Add appropriate null/undefined checks in place.
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The runmode is an implementation detail, and you should tie your JS code directly to that. Instead set config value with OSGI configuration, and expose the value of this configuration somehow (render it into a page or via JSON).
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Thanks Jörg!
when you said render it into a page? do you mean put it on the HTML as a hidden as what @Veena_07 stated?
Hi @hanscy ,
How were you able to achieve this in client-side JS? Please let me know, because I do have similar kind of scenario.
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