We are using AEM On Cloud and created a generic list for country dropdown on the form's Option component. This is working in author server but not on AEM publish server. I published the list but its not reaching to publish instance as not seeing in the repository browser on Cloud manager.
Is there any specific settings required to allow this ACS-commons generic list to reach publish server?
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@yuvinitj That should not be the case. But can you try pushing it from filter.xml file
<filter root="/etc/acs-commons/lists/xxx/comparison_table_values" mode="merge"/>
Hi @Jagadeesh_Prakash ,
Tried that as well, still no success.
@yuvinitj If pushing it from code also not working then their is some problem with the implementation. you can roleout the permissions issues and other issues by pushing it via code.
You might need to debug from AEM environment level now then
Check the log for failed publishing it will give you the idea why it’s failing the publishing and also looks for the node permissions for acs commons list to be accessible by anonymous user
Check user permission to access /etc/folder assuming your publish page is open for all users ( no login required) .
After a lot of discussion with Adobe support team, they pointed out this as a limitation to the AEM on cloud. Below is the exact response:
It seems like Cloud Service may have a limitation on what you can replicate. Despite /etc being a mutable path that can be modified at runtime, there are certain limitations. As a workaround, can you create the generic lists in /content instead [1]? Otherwise, this would be an issue for the ACS Commons community to tackle because it is an open-source project that's not officially supported by AEM/Adobe. Let me know if you have any questions.
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I have observed the same issue, but by enhancing the permissions of the system-user for the Generic List path, i.e. /etc/acs-commons/lists addressed the issue.
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