Hi @jlorenzo1, AEM is not providing any equivalent to template functions from Magnolia. There are some global objects and EL that are available in HTL, please see details under [1] & [2]. I think you could achieve some of the similar results using combination of those 2 (global objects and EL). Please be aware that AEM development approach is a bit different than Magnolia, there is no something like light development. All your logic should be kept in OSGi components/services and sling models.
Hi @jlorenzo1, AEM is not providing any equivalent to template functions from Magnolia. There are some global objects and EL that are available in HTL, please see details under [1] & [2]. I think you could achieve some of the similar results using combination of those 2 (global objects and EL). Please be aware that AEM development approach is a bit different than Magnolia, there is no something like light development. All your logic should be kept in OSGi components/services and sling models.