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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

fetch image using JCR or Query Builder


Level 2


I have implemented simple program for fetching image using JCR. 

ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
Resource res = resourceResolver.getResource("/content/dam/geometrixx-media/articles/bored.jpeg");            
Asset asset = res.adaptTo(Asset.class);

I am able to display image on JSP as asset.getPath() gives me path of image. But all this works fine only if I mention complete path of image. If I provide only name of the image (bored.jpeg) then it does not work. 

As a solution to this problem I used query builder API. Followed link http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem-dam-image-components.html    

But code snippet provided in this link retrieves all images matching to search criteria. Because I wanted to search for particular image I updated query parameters as follows,

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
map.put("type", "dam.Asset");
map.put("property", "cq:name");
map.put("property.value", "ai.jpeg");
Query query = qb.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(map), session);

SearchResult sr= query.getResult();
String assetPath=null; 

 // iterating over the results
Iterator<Resource> resources = sr.getResources();
  while(resources.hasNext() ) {
      Resource res = resources.next();
      Asset asset = res.adaptTo(Asset.class);     
      String Path = asset.getPath();

which led to an exception because Asset object is null. Resource object gives me path as follows "/content/dam/geometrixx-media/articles/ai.jpeg/jcr:content"  I am not getting why path is appended with /jcr:content when I searched for particular image. This does not happen when I search for images matching jpeg type or some other general search as given in following link  http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem-dam-image-components.html   

Kindly help me in resolving this issue.



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 6


Some of the properties that you are searching for is defined in the jcr:content part of the Asset so that is the node you will get.

If you instead actuall states that it is the jcr:content:property you want, then you will get the Asset node. Something like this.

map.put("type", "dam.Asset");
map.put("property", "jcr:content/metadata/dc:format");
map.put("property.value", "image/jpeg");

However... you want to find the node with the name ai.jpg. Why not ask for it??


This returns the node with the name gh.png under the path /content/images/flags. Since you don't really know how the node name is stored by CQ, you should use the JCR defined search parameter nodename instead.


View solution in original post

2 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 6


Some of the properties that you are searching for is defined in the jcr:content part of the Asset so that is the node you will get.

If you instead actuall states that it is the jcr:content:property you want, then you will get the Asset node. Something like this.

map.put("type", "dam.Asset");
map.put("property", "jcr:content/metadata/dc:format");
map.put("property.value", "image/jpeg");

However... you want to find the node with the name ai.jpg. Why not ask for it??


This returns the node with the name gh.png under the path /content/images/flags. Since you don't really know how the node name is stored by CQ, you should use the JCR defined search parameter nodename instead.



Level 2

Hi Ove,

Whether nodename is name of property? I tried executing my program with below code but query does not fetch any data. Also I didnt find any property with name 'nodename' in properties tab of CRXDE

map.put("type", "dam.Asset");
map.put( "property" , "jcr:content/metadata/dc:format" );
map.put( "property.value" , "image/jpeg" );
map.put("property", "nodename");
map.put("property.value", "ai.jpeg");

I also tried this line

map.put("nodename", "ai.jpeg");  This line throws an exception.

You have mentioned path of the image/node in code given above, but I don't want to specify any path in query parameters. 

I want to search for an image only passing its name or any other unique property of an image but not path, is there any way to achieve this? 

