As per my use case I created new page based on custom template and triggering the workflow for that page. I am getting error as "Caused by: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Not an absolute path: ." for the first time while triggering the workflow.It is working fine for the next time.Please guide me how to resolve this.
else if (payloadNode.getPrimaryNodeType().isNodeType("cq:Page")) {// for template payload
path = payloadPath + "/jcr:content";
node = (Node) jcrSession.getItem(path);
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Could you explain us more? How you are creating this page from "Site Admin" or CRXDE? is this exception is coming when it is hitting your code?
Simple way to verify this , after adding the page in "Site Admin" just refresh the parent node and check it,it is added or not.
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I have also faced same issue while creating the new page by services. That is first time, Now I am not getting that error.
The reason is while creating the page it is unable to get the full path of that page location.
I didn't do any code changes but now code is working fine.
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How are you creating the page and triggering the workflow ??
If you are trying to do this using programmatically. Make sure you are saving the session after you create the page and then trigger the workflow.
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Hi All,
Thanks for your reply. I created pages from Site Admin based on customized template.I am trying to capture custom metadata as per use case.Once it is done I created button to trigger the workflow from that page.During the first call when hitting the process step for captured metadata validation it is throwing that error.
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Do out of the box AEM pages work? I am wondering if issue is with your WF.
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