Hi there ,
I have started exploring cq commerce and as part of it was trying to extend the CQ native API . Referring the article from here http://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-cq/using/creating-custom-cq-commerce-providers.html , i have deployed my extended CQ commerce classes in felix console as a OSGI bundle . My custom CQ commerce provider is 'training' .
However in geometrixx / en pages when I change 'cq:commerceprovider' property to 'training' and start using the pages it throws Null pointer exceptions in the back end with no products getting displayed on the category pages .
My debugger pointed out to getServiceContext method from OOTB class 'AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory' . It seems that AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory has service dependencies via @ reference to set of services like languagemanager , slingRepository etc which should normally gets injected . The getServiceContext method basically gives handles to these set of injected references .
These services are injecting as expected when I'm using the OOTB reference commerce provider implementation('geometrixx') which by default ships in with CQ installation . However when I change the provider to 'training' these services are not getting injected and getserviceContext returns null,which eventually is throwing null pointer exception .
I see the same behaviour when I deploy my bundle from 'crxde' or 'eclipse ' . I was on java 1.7 and also tested it in java 1.6 . From felix console I can see the bundle properly registered . Any pointers why these services not getting injected ?
@Component(componentAbstract = true, metatype = false) public abstract class AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory implements CommerceServiceFactory { @Reference protected LanguageManager languageManager; @Reference protected UserPropertiesService userPropertiesService; @Reference protected SlingSettingsService slingSettingsService; @Reference protected SlingRepository slingRepository; @Reference protected CommerceSearchProviderManager searchProviderManager;
Solved! Go to Solution.
To Sandro - The issue that you have faced is because in the AbstractJcrCommerceSession, the languageManager is null. You have to put following code in you custom CommerceServiceFactory class. That will resolve your issue.
public class TrainingCommerceServiceFactory extends AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory implements CommerceServiceFactory{
protected LanguageManager languageManager;
protected UserPropertiesService userPropertiesService;
protected SlingSettingsService slingSettingsService;
protected SlingRepository slingRepository;
protected CommerceSearchProviderManager searchProviderManager;
Seems like You are using deprecated api can you use new api AbstractJcrCommerceService
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Watch the video here and there is also a link to GitHub that has the sample code -- see if this helps:
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Hi ,
Even with the code from GIT hub i'm facing the same problem . I'm on AEM 5.6.1 and using CQ commerce 5.18 . Also In the code i'm making sure i'm not using any deprecated API methods . Like , with CQ commerce 5.8 it uses AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory.services where as with 5.18 it is AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory.getServiceContext .
I have further debugged and found that due to some reasons , only in AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory and its subclasses with using @reference annotation , services (like slingRepository ) are not getting injected . However I'm able to get the same services using bundle context with below code
ServiceReference serviceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(serviceName); return bundleContext.getService(serviceReference);
To proceed , i'm using the above code to get the services in TrainingJcrCommerceFactory class (which extends AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory ) and returning them to TrainingServiceContext class (which Extends ServiceContext) . The overridden getServiceContext method in TrainingJcrCommerceFactory would return instance of TrainingServiceContext .
This way it works , but i'm still clueless why the same services are not getting injected in AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory and its subclasses when using with @reference annotation . The same services with using @reference are getting injected properly in other component classes . Did any one face such behavior before ? Am i missing any thing?
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I seem to have the same problem.
I was trying to build my first e-commerce bundle and I followed the tutorial provided at http://dev.day.com/content/ddc/en/gems/commerce-framework.html, and even using the code from GitHub as it is, it doesn't work. The product page is left blank and exceptions are thrown.
Any suggestion on how to solve this (provided that I am using the GitHub code AS IT IS and I am not very familiar with the Commerce API yet)?
Thanks in advance,
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Hi Sandro ,
I was getting null pointer exceptions because dependency services were not getting injected properly by felix . In my case felix was not able to inject dependencies due to cq-hybris-impl reference implementation bundle . With this bundle when ever I tried to start my felix console it started with lot of exception trace . Since I was working with native implementation , I stopped this bundle restarted my cq instance and from then it started working .
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Hi again,
I think I am facing a different problem. I followed the tutorial above and built the package using Maven in my local fresh CQ instance (with no other package installed than the ones included in the native installation), and when trying to use the example implementation for the e-commerce (changing the value in cq:commerceProvider and opening a single product page from the Geometrixx-outdoor site) I am getting an exception and the page cannot load. Here is a part of the stacktrace as it is in the error.log file:
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.adobe.training.TrainingCommerceServiceImpl.isAvailable(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
at org.apache.jsp.apps.geometrixx_002doutdoors.components.page.body_jsp._jspService(body_jsp.java:165)
at org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:70)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
at org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:502)
... 129 more
As you can see in the last part, it seems the exception is caused by the abstract method TrainingCommerceServiceImpl.isAvailable (which is not included in the implementation downloaded from GitHub). When I try to add this method to my class just returning "true", the page gets loaded, but it is empty, and the stacktrace in the log this time is:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.adobe.cq.commerce.common.AbstractJcrCommerceSession.<init>(AbstractJcrCommerceSession.java:140)
at com.adobe.training.TrainingCommerceSessionImpl.<init>(TrainingCommerceSessionImpl.java:17)
at com.adobe.training.TrainingCommerceServiceImpl.login(TrainingCommerceServiceImpl.java:33)
at org.apache.jsp.libs.cq.personalization.components.contextstores.cart.init_js_jsp._jspService(init_js_jsp.java:175)
at org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:70)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
at org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:502)
... 116 more
So seemingly I am getting a NullPointerException in AbstractJcrCommerceSession.<init> and I don't know why..
As I said I am just getting started on the e-commerce module of CQ, and this is my first attempt , so I don't know the API very well (I assumed that the code provided in the tutorial would work straight out of the box)...Any help on this issue?
Thanks in advance,
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To sandro - what version of CQ are you using? This code is for 5.6 or higher. When the article was written last Spring - it worked as shown in the video.
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To Sandro - The issue that you have faced is because in the AbstractJcrCommerceSession, the languageManager is null. You have to put following code in you custom CommerceServiceFactory class. That will resolve your issue.
public class TrainingCommerceServiceFactory extends AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory implements CommerceServiceFactory{
protected LanguageManager languageManager;
protected UserPropertiesService userPropertiesService;
protected SlingSettingsService slingSettingsService;
protected SlingRepository slingRepository;
protected CommerceSearchProviderManager searchProviderManager;
I tried the same. but still the exception remains..
any more suggestions?
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Here is the output you should see:
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Hi ,
Did you get a chance to debug the code with CQ commerce API added as src . That was how I was able to dig out the problem , I faced with 'AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory.getServiceContext ' . I was on AEM 5.6.1 and the code from GIT hub didn't work out straight for me .
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Hi krisgumm,
you have mentioned that
I was on AEM 5.6.1 and the code from GIT hub didn't work out straight for me .
can you specify me what are the changes you have done to make the code work?
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This worked for me :) Thanks!
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Hi Sham,
I am facing similar issue where the ServiceContext seems to be empty. It returns languageManager , slingSettingService etc as null.
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.adobe.cq.commerce.common.AbstractJcrCommerceSession.<init>(AbstractJcrCommerceSession.java:158) at com.gtsp.aem.core.commerce.GTSPCommerceSessionImpl.<init>(GTSPCommerceSessionImpl.java:45)
Can you point out the exact version to be used? We are using AEM 6.3 and the commerce API showing as 5.15.48 on Depfinder.
Although we are not adding any dependency for commerce API in our POM, seems to be resolved from the Uber jar dependency.
mariad52599385 What you changed to make it work?
Any pointer will be helpful. We are trying to use We-Retail implementation example.
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Hi Madireddy,
I'm struckup with the same issue and I put your fix in my code. It started working. But when I restarted the server it is again not working. after that I have restarted my AEM server multiple times but no luck. do you have any idea on this?
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I ran into this issue as well. It was due to my project using OSGI R6 Annotations, while the AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory and the WeRetailCommerceServiceFactory both use the older Felix SCR annotations to populate the Referenced Services.
I was able to get around this by using OSGI R6 Annotations to reference the LanguageManager, UserPropertiesService, SlingSettingsService, SlingRepository, and CommerceSearchProviderManager within my CommerceServiceFactory.
Then within my CommerceServiceFactory.getCommerceService() method, call the bind methods that belong to AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory
public class MyCommerceServiceFactory extends AbstractJcrCommerceServiceFactory implements CommerceServiceFactory {
protected LanguageManager languageManager;
protected UserPropertiesService userPropertiesService;
protected SlingSettingsService slingSettingsService;
protected SlingRepository slingRepository;
protected CommerceSearchProviderManager searchProviderManager;
public CommerceService getCommerceService(Resource res) {
return new MyCommerceServiceImpl(getServiceContext(), res);
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