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Error: Solr Integration with AEM 6.4


Level 4

I'm not able to integrate Solr 7.5 with AEM 6.4,

getting the following error:

Solr Package Error.PNG

I have tried with almost every version of Solr, but I am getting the same error again and again!

I am simply following this tutorial:

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Integrating SOLR with Adobe Experience Manager

But, in this tutorial, apache.felix.scr.annotations are used. I am just replacing these annotations with osgi annotations.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

Here is the new article with R6 annotations working - along with a video.

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Integrating SOLR with Adobe Experience Manager 6.4


public class SolrSearchServiceImpl implements SolrSearchService

One difference here is we show new way of reading OSGi config values for this use case. This involves these annotations:

package com.adobe.aem.core;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeType;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;

@ObjectClassDefinition(name = "AEM Solr Search - Solr Configuration Service", description = "Service Configuration")

public @interface MySimpleService {


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Protocol", defaultValue ="http", description = "Configuration value")

    String protocolValue();



    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Solr Server Name", defaultValue ="localhost", description = "Server name or IP address")

    String serverName();


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Solr Server Port", defaultValue ="8983", description = "Server port")

    String serverPort();


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Solr Core Name", defaultValue ="collection", description = "Core name in solr server")

    String serverCollection();


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Content page path", defaultValue ="/content/we-retail", description = "Content page path from where solr has to index the pages")

    String serverPath();



View solution in original post

24 Replies


Level 10

Please check the dependency version of solrj.

You can check the version by giving the package here - /system/console/depfinder


Level 4

bsloki​ I have checked almost every version of Solr from 5.0 -> 7.0 +, but nothing is working! Just getting the same error again and again!


Level 10

The article you referenced is for AEM 6.2. I am gonig to test this on 6.4 and we will update the article. Updating the OSGi to R6 and the dependencies will be part of this updated article.


Community Advisor


Is this the Maven dependency you are using ? I tried it but the jars are not reflecting in my build . Could you share the maven dependency you used. I can try it out and check




Community Advisor

Hi Mayanky,

If you simply follow this tutorial and install the package with SCR annotations, it does work even on AEM 6.4 SP2.

At least to the point where you can see the bundle started. Following services are registered as well:

Service ID 8543Types: com.adobe.aem.core.SolrServerConfiguration
Service PID: com.adobe.aem.core.impl.SolrServerConfigurationImpl
Component Name: com.adobe.aem.core.impl.SolrServerConfigurationImpl
Component ID: 4256
Vendor: Adobe
Service ID 8544Types: javax.servlet.Servlet
Service PID: com.adobe.aem.core.servlets.DeleteIndexesFromSolr
Component Name: com.adobe.aem.core.servlets.DeleteIndexesFromSolr
Component ID: 4257
Vendor: Adobe
Service ID 8545Types: org.apache.sling.spi.resource.provider.ResourceProvider
Description: ServletResourceProvider for Servlets at [/bin/solr/delete/all/indexes, /bin/solr/delete/all/indexes.servlet]
Service ID 8546Types: org.apache.sling.spi.resource.provider.ResourceProvider
Description: ServletResourceProvider for Servlets at [/bin/solr/delete/all/indexes, /bin/solr/delete/all/indexes.servlet]
Service ID 8547Types: com.adobe.aem.core.SolrSearchService
Service PID: com.adobe.aem.core.impl.SolrSearchServiceImpl
Component Name: com.adobe.aem.core.impl.SolrSearchServiceImpl
Component ID: 4259
Vendor: Adobe
Service ID 8548Types: javax.servlet.Servlet
Service PID: com.adobe.aem.core.servlets.IndexContentToSolr
Component Name: com.adobe.aem.core.servlets.IndexContentToSolr
Component ID: 4258
Vendor: Adobe
Service ID 8549Types: org.apache.sling.spi.resource.provider.ResourceProvider
Description: ServletResourceProvider for Servlets at [/bin/solr/push/pages.servlet, /bin/solr/push/pages]
Service ID 8550

Types: org.apache.sling.spi.resource.provider.ResourceProvider
Description: ServletResourceProvider for Servlets at [/bin/solr/push/pages.servlet, /bin/solr/push/pages]

The tutorial itself uses Solr version 5.4.1. It adds Solr jar as a jar in class path:

Bundle Classpath.,OSGI-INF/lib/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.solr-solrj-5.4.1_1.jar,OSGI-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar,OSGI-INF/lib/noggit-0.5.jar,OSGI-INF/lib/zookeeper-3.4.5.jar

Which should allow you to work. So, in your case, to upgrade it to Solr 7, you would need to update your pom.xml to Solr 7 Jar's (including all of the new Jar's that need to be included in classpath for Solr 7).




Community Advisor

Dear Mayanky,

Please find patch that updates SolrJ library to 7.5.0. This code stil uses SCR, only the changes needed to update SolrJ library bundled here to 7.5 have been performed.

Index: core/pom.xml

IDEA additional info:

Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP



--- core/pom.xml    (revision 603009da7fcd67f2b6ae3782edfbd0bb9a98153e)

+++ core/pom.xml    (date 1538407473120)

@@ -135,8 +135,13 @@


         <!-- Solr Dependencies -->


-            <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>

-            <artifactId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.solr-solrj</artifactId>

+            <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>

+            <artifactId>solr-solrj</artifactId>

+        </dependency>

+        <dependency>

+            <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>

+            <artifactId>commons-math3</artifactId>

+            <version>3.6</version>




Index: core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/core/servlets/IndexContentToSolr.java

IDEA additional info:

Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP



--- core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/core/servlets/IndexContentToSolr.java    (revision 603009da7fcd67f2b6ae3782edfbd0bb9a98153e)

+++ core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/core/servlets/IndexContentToSolr.java    (date 1538407326651)

@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@


         String URL = protocol + "://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort

                 + "/solr/" + coreName;

-        HttpSolrClient server = new HttpSolrClient(URL);

+        final HttpSolrClient.Builder builder = new HttpSolrClient.Builder().withBaseSolrUrl(URL);

+        final HttpSolrClient server = builder.build();

         if (indexType.equalsIgnoreCase("indexpages")) {

             try {

                 JSONArray indexPageData = solrSearchService.crawlContent(

Index: core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/core/servlets/DeleteIndexesFromSolr.java

IDEA additional info:

Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP



--- core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/core/servlets/DeleteIndexesFromSolr.java    (revision 603009da7fcd67f2b6ae3782edfbd0bb9a98153e)

+++ core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/core/servlets/DeleteIndexesFromSolr.java    (date 1538407326664)

@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@

         final String coreName = solrConfigurationService.getSolrCoreName();

         String URL = protocol + "://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort

                 + "/solr/" + coreName;

-        HttpSolrClient server = new HttpSolrClient(URL);

+        final HttpSolrClient.Builder builder = new HttpSolrClient.Builder().withBaseSolrUrl(URL);

+        final HttpSolrClient server = builder.build();

         try {



Index: pom.xml

IDEA additional info:

Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP



--- pom.xml    (revision 603009da7fcd67f2b6ae3782edfbd0bb9a98153e)

+++ pom.xml    (date 1538407046640)

@@ -486,12 +486,13 @@




+            <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.solr/solr-solrj -->


-                <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>

-                <artifactId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.solr-solrj</artifactId>

-                <version>5.4.1_1</version>

-            </dependency>

-            <dependency>

+                <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>

+                <artifactId>solr-solrj</artifactId>

+                <version>7.5.0</version>

+            </dependency>

+            <dependency>







Level 4

Sure, Thanks by the way.

Just one small request, Could you please update it as soon as possible!


Level 4

Yes, I have tried this dependency. But my bundle is not getting installed and I am getting the same error: cannot be resolved


Level 10

I got the bundle into Active State on 6.4.



Level 10

This will be part of the new article - need to test front end logic now.


Level 10

I have AEM 6.4 and SOLR working. The Index was successful. We used We Retail too for AEM 6.4.

We will update this AEM SOLR article for AEM 6.4.



Level 10

The component also displays data from SOLR IN 6.4 --



Level 4

Are you using OSGI Annotations? and can you please send me the SOLR dependencies which you've used in this project.


Level 10

I keep Felix Annotations for now - my main concern was getting the code to work in AEM 6.4. I am writing up the article now.


Level 4

Okay, I have tried to replicate this project, But I don't know why my OSGi bundle is not getting resolved! It is getting installed!

but again the same error is coming!



Level 10

I will include a video too in the new article and show everything!


Level 4

Please use OSGi Annotations in that article!

and Thank you so much for your help!


Correct answer by
Level 10

Here is the new article with R6 annotations working - along with a video.

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Integrating SOLR with Adobe Experience Manager 6.4


public class SolrSearchServiceImpl implements SolrSearchService

One difference here is we show new way of reading OSGi config values for this use case. This involves these annotations:

package com.adobe.aem.core;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeType;

import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;

@ObjectClassDefinition(name = "AEM Solr Search - Solr Configuration Service", description = "Service Configuration")

public @interface MySimpleService {


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Protocol", defaultValue ="http", description = "Configuration value")

    String protocolValue();



    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Solr Server Name", defaultValue ="localhost", description = "Server name or IP address")

    String serverName();


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Solr Server Port", defaultValue ="8983", description = "Server port")

    String serverPort();


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Solr Core Name", defaultValue ="collection", description = "Core name in solr server")

    String serverCollection();


    @AttributeDefinition(name = "Content page path", defaultValue ="/content/we-retail", description = "Content page path from where solr has to index the pages")

    String serverPath();




Level 3

i'm also getting same issue whie interating with solr 8.1


Level 1

am facing the same issue.How did you resolve it ?