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ERROR log: Log level changes not getting reflected


Level 4

Hello All, I am trying to change the log level of error log through system/console. However this changes are not getting reflected in the logs. What could be the reason for this.

11 Replies


Community Advisor

What specific logs are you trying to capture ? Debug or info ?


Level 4

I am trying to switch to Debug and Trace.


Employee Advisor

What are you trying to achieve? Which loglevel? And what have you tried and was not working?



Level 4

Hello Jorg,

I am trying to debug an issue . I wanted to enable Debug/Trace in my logs. Whenever i try to change the log levels in my local /dev servers from configMgr, it reflects immediately. But not sure what could be the reason that the same is not happening in my Production env. I am able to change the log level from configMgr, but after saving, it again go back to Info mode.




Employee Advisor

Have you tried to use the Sling Logging console (reachable through http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog (in the navigation: Sling => Log Support)?

I never had problems using this console.



Level 3

I can be able to change the log level in system/console to see that need to restart the server. In my case after the restart can be able to see the change. I am using CQ6.2 with sp1.


Level 4

Hello Jörg,

I am facing problem there only. Whenever I edit the logger configuration from this console, the changes are not getting reflected. Sorry if I confused you.




Employee Advisor

Configuration created through the OSGI webconsole should go int /apps/system/config, so can you please check there? Also check the error.log if something is written at the time you try to create that logging configuration.



Level 4

Restart AEM and then check


Level 4

I want to know what is causing this issue. This is happening in my Production env.


Level 10


IIRC, I have seen this once in AEM 6.3 in a production environment. I think for some reason (probably bug) duplicate configs get created.

When you change the log level, you will be seeing config Id in log files. You may not find the config in Felix console.

However, there wasn't any straight solution from Adobe support team.

Can you please verify the Felix console's configuration and check the if there are any duplicate category created for these configurations? if so, delete them.

As you mentioned, that you are still seeing duplicate configurations of

  • Apache Sling Job Queue Configuration
  • Apache Sling Login Admin Whitelist Configuration Fragment

I would suggest you delete them and then restart the instance.
