Hi guys,
I need to create elevator carousel. Displays X number of images, assigned to the carousel when it is added. Transition between images is vertical swipe up or down, depending on the button the user clicks to
advance. Contents of this area will be inherited by all sub pages. Inheritance can be overridden on individual pages.
I am not sure, what type of css I need exactly, and definitely jsp/jquery.
Please give me some hint or sample pages/source code.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Also there is just post on the topic - http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/custom-carousel-components.html.
One place you can take a look is the out of the box Carousel component - /libs/foundation/components/carousel on your local instance. It's not an exact match to your requirements - the transitions are what you are looking for, it doesn't do inheritance, and the way it gets images may not be what you want (It pulls the image and text from other pages rather than being managed locally) but it should give you some ideas.
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Also there is just post on the topic - http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/custom-carousel-components.html.