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Editable template with multilingual


Level 5

Hi All,

I am using AEM6.4 and I have editable template in my application.Everything is working fine with editable template.Now I need to create multilingual pages.Currently I have English page, now I need to create Chinese page for the same.I am authoring header and footer on base-template in English.Please let me know what is the best approach to translate base-template in Chinese.


8 Replies


Level 10

I believe you can find a lot of information about this subject in this Ask the AEM Community Experts here:

Scott's Digital Community: [Webinar |October] AtACE Session: Creating a site structure to support yo...

Hope this helps...


Level 3

I have gone through the video but doesn't talk about the editable templates challenge for multilingual sites. As explained above, When we have header and footer as part of structure. We will not be able to edit the values in the component dialog in the editable template structure as the same would be referenced by multiple locale websites.

Use Case - Header Navigation needs to have some additional pages specific to locale.

Could you please confirm if we will be able to achieve the above use case using editable templates.


Level 10

I have asked the team to look here to specifically talk about editable templates


Level 10

Could you explain a bit more about the use case?

In we-retail, I can see '/apps/weretail/components/structure/header/include.html' has each element configured using i18n output. Wouldn't that serve the purpose for specific locale?


Level 3

We are currently authoring the Paths for the navigation component and the same in included in the editable template structure.

For /US/EN we are good as we have the links that we need to configure.

For /CA/FR, We need to have an additional link in the navigation.

Now that we have the component dialog in the Editable templates structure, If we edit the dialog for /CA/FR, Same would impact in the /US/EN Path.


Level 10

I assume that your use case is something similar as mentioned in 'Live Copies - Composition' @ Reusing Content: Multi Site Manager and Live Copy

For navigation that is inside structure, you could take various approaches - you can still keep the navigation component inside structure and choose to save the dialog content on a different custom path (backed via Sling model). However, this approach would be a bit complex with overheads but still feasible. The other approach is to move navigation component out of structure and treat it as a normal component. That would solve all issues except that you would have to create another layout container in header for navigation component and fix/customize couple of things.

You may come up with a better approach and try that.


Level 2

Common Header and Footer with Editable Templates in multilingual site

Please see if the suggestions on this thread are helpful. Thanks!


Level 4

I am sure this is a very old article, but if someone is still figuring out on how to achieve multi lingual websites with localized headers and footers, please refer to this article. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/get-started/localiz...


it is working on AEM 6.4.8 and Core components 2.9.0