We are paying X per month for 1m AEM pages and Y for 1M ADM cloud served images.
The question is, does Adobe ADM charge for serving cached images? If so we have to migrate away from it immediately due to extreme cost.
We ask this because since two years, for our low traffic site, we have been going over our monthly 1m AEM page allowance by around 400%, without us being aware of it. Now we have looked into it, we find out the number is so high because Adobe charge for pages which are served from adobes fastly CDN, as well as those served from Dispatcher, which is astounding.
We have contacted adobe via the support portal tickets, but since 3 weeks had no response about:
a) how we see how much of our ADM allowance we have used.
b) if adobe charge for CDN cache hits.
From experience, our Adobe Premium support is unlikely to be able to answer us, so we are hoping someone here knows this.