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Does Adobe CDN’s ingress publish-p<PROGRAM_ID>-e<ENV-ID>.adobeaemcloud.com need to be mapped to Dispatcher's virtual host ?


Community Advisor

Hi All,


I have the below query - 

My publish instance on cloud is displaying Apache Webserver's index page whenever hit upon.

This is happening because the request is being handled by dispatcher_vhost.conf's catch-all vhost.



dispatcher_vhost.conf - 

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName unmatched-host-catch-all
ServerAlias "*"
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always add X-Vhost catch-all
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/* /index.html [PT,L,NC]

I have couple of queries on this -

1. Does the URL publish-p<PROGRAM_ID>-e<ENV-ID>.adobeaemcloud.com need to be mapped to dispatcher's vhost ?

2. If not, then how does CDN connect to Publish URL ?

(We don't have any client/custom CDN configured in our project)

3. How do we resolve this issue ?



Rohan Garg

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi All,


The problem exists with the default.vhost in enabled vhosts folder not being picked up the dispatcher configuration in both symlinks form and actual file content.


1. Checking the dispatcher maven build logs we got the below entry - 

Executing command git checkout FETCH_HEAD
error: unable to create symlink dispatcher/src/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/default.vhost: File name too long
Note: checking out 'FETCH_HEAD'.


2. Checking the Build Image logs -

+ validate_configuration /tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip
+ local zippedConfiguration=/tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip
+ local unzippedConfiguration=/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration
+ mkdir -v -p /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration
created directory: '/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration'
+ unzip -d /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration /tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip
Archive: /tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip


creating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/available_vhosts/
creating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/

inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/available_vhosts/default.vhost
inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/available_vhosts/brandA.vhost

inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/README
inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/brandA.vhost -> ../available_vhosts/brandA.vhost


finishing deferred symbolic links:
/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/brandA.vhost -> ../available_vhosts/brandA.vhost
/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/default.farm -> ../available_farms/default.farm
/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/brandA.farm -> ../available_farms/brandA.farm


Not sure why the default.farm symlink is being read but not default.vhost when both are created using same commands in linux. (ln -s src target)

View solution in original post

3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Arun,


Thanks for the reply! I have gone through the link and we have already configured the correct domain and added SSL certificates. As you can see from the below image respective environment SSL certificates are attached for development and stage publish instances.


The domain name is being correctly handled by dispatcher's domain name vhost.



The SSL Certificates are also correctly installed as seen below -



The dispatcher is able to map the domain name to content path in AEM correctly.

Its just the publish URL/domain name https://publish-pyyyyy-ezzzzzz.adobeaemcloud.com/ that is bring handled by dispatcher_vhost's catch-all vhost.


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi All,


The problem exists with the default.vhost in enabled vhosts folder not being picked up the dispatcher configuration in both symlinks form and actual file content.


1. Checking the dispatcher maven build logs we got the below entry - 

Executing command git checkout FETCH_HEAD
error: unable to create symlink dispatcher/src/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/default.vhost: File name too long
Note: checking out 'FETCH_HEAD'.


2. Checking the Build Image logs -

+ validate_configuration /tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip
+ local zippedConfiguration=/tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip
+ local unzippedConfiguration=/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration
+ mkdir -v -p /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration
created directory: '/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration'
+ unzip -d /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration /tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip
Archive: /tmp/dispatcher/dispatcher-configuration.zip


creating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/available_vhosts/
creating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/

inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/available_vhosts/default.vhost
inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/available_vhosts/brandA.vhost

inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/README
inflating: /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/brandA.vhost -> ../available_vhosts/brandA.vhost


finishing deferred symbolic links:
/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/brandA.vhost -> ../available_vhosts/brandA.vhost
/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/default.farm -> ../available_farms/default.farm
/tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/brandA.farm -> ../available_farms/brandA.farm


Not sure why the default.farm symlink is being read but not default.vhost when both are created using same commands in linux. (ln -s src target)