Hi everyone,
I´m working in an AEM cloud project. I have configured my dispatcher to work as a reverse proxy following the next documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/con...
so my dispatcher config looks like this:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# Reverse proxy managed by AEM DAM Map
RewriteMap proxyRules dbm=sdbm:/tmp/rewrites/proxy.map
RewriteCond ${proxyRules:$1} !=""
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ${proxyRules:$1} [P,L]
# standard rewrite rules
Include conf.d/rewrites/rewrite.rules
# Rewrite index page internally, pass through (PT)
RewriteRule "^(/?)$" "/index.html" [PT]
It seems to be working almost fine, it is reading my map from a dam file and appling it correctly as I show next:

I´m requesting <publish> /autonomos and in the response headers Location is retuning: <publish> /autonomos/fibra-optica. it is status 200.
This makes sense to me as I have configured in the rewriteMap this association, however my page is always displayed in blank and it shouldn´t be like that as my /autonomos/fibra-optica has content inside:

Has anyone faced something similar? am I missing something?
Thank you all in advance