I have configured the server in IIS serever my server is up and running ,I can see the localhost:30 home page on hitting the url .......
I started the my aem publish instance at 4506 port and mentioned the same in the dispatcher.any..........in dispatcer INI file i have given the new dispatcher.log file location and manually created the dispatcher log file folder bt I am not getting any dispacher.log file getting generated so that i can get any idea why I am not able to access any AEM page through my iis server running on port 30 .
Greetings AdobeID24,
Did you fix this error? If so how you did it, I'm facing the same issue.
Thanks in advance.
Let me know wats the issue you are facing ?
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My issue was specific to access ...Please perform some actions like below :
check your application pool is the user of Scripts folder and have all the persmission like read write and all ....
better to check all the permission things . wwwroot folder (where chache must be stored )...
If you are using the Higher version of IIS an ddispatcher : we dont need ISAPI filter , just go to your website and check if isapi flter is there please delete it .
Remove the ISAPI filter that is not valid. To do this, follow these steps:
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I'm using AEM 6.5 with IIS 10 and dispatcher version 4.3.2 (most recent). So I copied the following file into the IIS installation directory C:\inetpub\Scripts:
disp_iis.ini is configured like this:
The dispatcher.any has the default configuration:
And about how I'm creating the site on IIS:
The wwwroot folder located on C:\inetpub, it has full control for the DefaultAppPool user:
Anonymous Authentication is enabled
Handler Mapping added with wildcard Script
And about the ISAPI Filters that you mentioned I have these:
But when I try to access I get 404 response:
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All look cool ..thats the same configuration I did its running wiyhout any issue .
do these as well :
During Edit script map :click on request restrictions button and disable the "Invoke .....bla bla ..."
Check also Scripts folder properties and apppool user permission .
now restart your site and then restart your full server .
I am considering your publish instance is up and running over 4503 . and at least your server is running(hitting localhost:80 is giving you the deualt page )
Also check Gaurav comment on this
That worked, thanks a lot.
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Great... Wat specifically worked for you from all above suggested?... Wat was the problem.?
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The Request Restrictions steps in the section Integrating the Dispatcher ISAPI Module - IIS 8.5 and 10 on https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/getting-started/dispatche... steps 6, 7, 8, 9.
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