iis verison 10.0...dispatcher I donwloaded dispatcher-iis-windows-x64-4.2.3.zip
After folloing the docx and videos over adobe official site and channel ..
I am getting the following error
Any one else faced the same issue ?
When configuring dispatcher for IIS, make sure that you deselect Invoke Handler Only If Request Is Mapped To.
Paragraph: Integrating the Dispatcher ISAPI Module - IIS 8.5 and 10
Step 5 - 8
Yup.. Followed the same...
Adding to what Leo indicated, also make sure the .dll file is accessible
The. dll file contaiing floder -----properties ---security ----full control to user and adminstrator given.....?? That's enough??
I have seen in some of article where adding IISAppPool\defauktAppPool.... Please suggest
You should always use the latest dispatcher version. Try with the dispatcher-iis-windows-x64-4.3.2.zip which was released in Jan, 2019. Download the latest version from AEM Dispatcher Release Notes
tried with that also ...no luck ..any other work around
Have you had a chance to try recommendations from Dispatcher configuration problem - Calling GetProcAddress on ISAPI filter "C:\inetpub\Scripts\disp_i...
I justr checked but my all configuration is similar to that recommedation only....i idndt add ISAPI filter . Used through handler mapping
Not able to get the server running on localhost:80
what is the error in the IIS log file?
You need to make sure that you have placed the dll file at the location you specified in your configuration:
Then make sure that the user running the w3wp.exe process has full access to the .dll file.
Also, important to note that the link you used to download the disaptcher is an old version of the dispatcher (4.2.3) The latest version (4.3.2) can be found here:
I have changed ini file and added script path= /scripts/.dllfilename .... And configpath= full dispatchwr. Any file location .......
My w3wp.exe user...checked with task manager...that user I added in the security tab of dll file and the docroot file..and given full control .. ...
Still getting the same error....
Turn on or off windows feature...
Isapi extension is checked..
And all other necessary feature is enabled....
Asp. Net also required? Even I have tried with both scenerio it didn't work....
Could you share appropriate screenshots of the issue?
Check the steps mentioned @ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/942031/http-error-500-0-internal-server-error-error-when-yo... for 0x8007007f error
Remove the ISAPI filter that is not valid. To do this, follow these steps:
Edit the handler mapping for the requested resource to point to the .dll file that can process the request. To do this, follow these steps:
ASP.NET is not required if I'm able to recall correctly. Check if the following screenshots help in any way. Ignore the REGEX /content/hotel* in screenshots and use * as mentioned in Adobe docs
If you plan to use a domain, then make sure host entry exists for the same otherwise use localhost:80 and Default website/DefaultAppPool should suffice.
Hey Gaurav,
Thanks buddy .....followed your steps from starting and these scrensshots help me to get it resolved thanks..!!!
Good to hear that!
hey gaurav can u help me on that issue ?