Hi Team,
Apache : 2.4-4.3.4
AEM: 6.5.12
We need to add referrer and IP in dispacther.log.
Default format of Dispatcher.log is as below:
[Fri Mar 10 14:18:30 2023] [I] [pid 3808497:tid 140366443443968] "GET /content/dam/mysite/resources/images/ribbon-yellow.svg" - hit [publishfarm/-] 0ms
Is there any way to add Referrer as well as Client IP ?
I tried to something like that:
LogFormat "%t \"%m %{dispatcher:uri}e%q %H\" %{dispatcher:status}e %{dispatcher:cache}e [%{dispatcher:backend}e] %{ms}Tms \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" dispatcher
But, not getting values for dispatcher:uri, dispatcher:status, dispatcher:cache
Thanks in advance.