Develop OSGi Bundle Using Adobe CRXDE Lite
It is often confusing as to how to set up an OSGi development environment for CQ5. In this post, I'll set what is to be coded aside, but focus on how to quickly and easily use CRXDE Lite (the web interface of CQ5) for
1.setting up an OSGi project skeleton for development,
2.adding libraries to OSGi project's internal build path,
building OSGi projejct, deploying the compiled OSGi bundle in to CQ5 container.
What OSGi Bundle Can Bring to CQ
CQ5 runs in an Apache Felix OSGi container. To add configurable modular code to CQ, the code must also be an OSGi bundle jar. Out of the box, Adoble CQ5 is deployed with several OSGi components that you can configure them. To extend CQ's functionalities, you can develop your own OSGi bundle and deploy it into Felix, the OSGi container.
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Kautuk Sahni