Hi ,
Could some one help me as how to replace the custom format.
I copied from /libs to /apps i.e /apps/cq/xssprotection/config.xml and added a new tag like below and it worked
<tag name="newtag" action="validate"/>
But have few more issues on this in RTE could you please provide your inputs that will be very helpful.
Now in RTE we have added this tag under paragraph to give an easy to author instead of using source edit
1> When they click on it shows as the newtag from paragraph option in RTE and then click on h1 , h2 tags from paragraph it does not remove <newtag> from text already selected. But when you first try with h1 for new text and then you select h2 it will replace the tag as h2 without any h1 tag in it.
So need inputs here as when we select newtag from paragraph option in RTE and then click on h1 , h2 tags from paragraph it does not remove/replace <newtag> from text already selected to just h1 or h2 tag
Below is the issue:-
Can you try with the latest CFP and log a daycare ticket if still facing the issue?
I am not able to reproduce the issue on
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we are using AEM6.3 with sp2 adding a new CFP will take time as they make require testing to done on most items .
So could you please provide files that i could take a look at that will help to resolve this issue.
I did raise daycare ticket, but still no luck as they have still not provided files that could i modify to resolve this.
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