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CSP Violations from *.demdex.net & *.tt.omtrdc.net while these domains are in whitelist


Level 1

I'm encountering a problem while having CSP header set on my page, and as per https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/id-service/using/reference/csp.html

I've added the relevant domains with wildcard but still seeing violation reports to my backend saying these domains report the policy. Is this something familiar?
Mostly on Windows machines from all browsers. any ideas on this?

2 Replies


Level 1

Hello, I'm having the same problem, did you manage to solve it?


Level 4

Follow below steps to block all the third party cookie(demdex, Fingerprinting, Authorization, General, Advertising) call when consent is not accepted to resolve CSP Violations.

1. Update Experience Cloud ID Service Enable Opt In? as YES



2.. Create a rule with event as window load.

2. In action select action type a custom code and place below custom code.


var visitor = Visitor.getInstance ("Organisation id@AdobeOrg",{
trackingServer: "INSERT-TRACKING-SERVER-HERE", // same as s.trackingServer

//For CNAME support only. Exclude these variables if you're not using CNAME
marketingCloudServer: "INSERT-TRACKING-SERVER-HERE",

//Function variable
disableThirdPartyCookies: true