I want to create component in AEM as a Cloud Service without having any dependency of ui.apps on core, ui.frontend or any other module. For example, I want that if any file resides even in core or ui.frontend, I do not have to build those modules before ui.apps. I want that those files to be embeddable in my ui.apps and when I build ui.apps, component should work properly.
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Hi @nikita24tailor,
Each and every module in the maven project structure has its own importance. It is not suggested to do everything in a single module.
If you still want to have everything under ui.apps you can do it. You can add your java file in the same hierarchy and include the file using data-sly-include.
Hope this helps!
Kiran Vedantam.
Hi @nikita24tailor,
Each and every module in the maven project structure has its own importance. It is not suggested to do everything in a single module.
If you still want to have everything under ui.apps you can do it. You can add your java file in the same hierarchy and include the file using data-sly-include.
Hope this helps!
Kiran Vedantam.
Hi @nikita24tailor ,
You can create component in ui.apps and deploy only ui.apps module using following command by switching to apps module
cd .. ui.apps
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
In this case you do not have to build any other modules before ui.apps.
However, it will work only in below case
eg. HTL may refer to Sling Model.
In such case you will have 2 options
For more details: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/develo...
Hope that helps!