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Create subassets of PPT and DOCX in AEM 6.2 DAM


Level 2

Hi Team,

Can you please suggest me how to create subassets for DOCX and PPT in DAM. I see PPT subassets in DAM but no content is shown when I open it.



4 Replies


Level 8


Sub-assets here refers to rendition or is it some thing else. Can you please let us know on that.


Level 2

Yes, its renditions only, I am able to see the renditions created but when I am going to assets.html and open the subassets of any DAM asset, its showing blank page.


Level 10

When you reference the URL of the asset - for example:


The result should be a dialog prompting  you to download the doc. What you are seeing?


Level 2


I tried below steps on fresh AEM 6.2 instance for PPTX asset :

1. Go to DAM, upload the PPTx file.

2. Click on the pptx file and open it, click on left side "Content Only" dropdown and select Subassets option.

you will see the subassets of the file, but when you go through it, those are blank.

3. When you select Renditions, that is just showing original only.

For DOCX asset :

1. Go to DAM, upload the DOCX file.

2. Click on the docx file and open it, then click on left side "Content Only" dropdown and select Subassets option.

You will see only 1 subasset created for docx file that is just have one part of a docx page which is not correct subasset.

3. For renditions, it is showing rendition for 1 image only.

I hope this will clear you the scenario, I need subassets and renditions too for PPTX and DOCX files.
