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Create page in aem by reading given paths from excell


Level 2

please give me a solution for creating pages in AEM by reading given paths from excel



excell should be like this

reading path from excell and then it will create pages automatically in AEM

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4



Here is an example of how you can read the paths from an Excel file and create pages in AEM using the Java Content Repository (JCR) API:


import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

public class PageCreator {

    private Session session;

    public PageCreator(Session session) {
        this.session = session;

    public void createPagesFromExcel(String excelFilePath) throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        // Open the Excel file
        FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(excelFilePath));
        Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);

        // Iterate through each sheet in the workbook
        for (Sheet sheet : workbook) {
            // Iterate through each row in the sheet
            for (Row row : sheet) {
                // Get the first cell in the row (should contain the path)
                Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
                String path = cell.getStringCellValue();

                // Check if the path exists in the JCR
                if (!session.nodeExists(path)) {
                    // Create the page
                    Node page = createPage(path);

    private Node createPage(String path) throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // Get the parent node of the page
        String parentPath = getParentPath(path);
        Node parentNode = session.getNode(parentPath);

        // Get the name of the page
        String pageName = getPageName(path);

        // Create the page node
        Node page = parentNode.addNode(pageName, "cq:Page");

        // Save the changes

        return page;

    private String getParentPath(String path) {
        int lastSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
        return path.substring(0, lastSlashIndex);

    private String getPageName(String path) {
        int lastSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
        return path.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);


 Note that this code is just a sample and is not intended to be used as is. You will need to modify it to fit your specific requirements.

To use this class, you will need to create an instance of it and pass in a JCR session. Then, you can call the createPagesFromExcel method, passing in the path to the Excel file containing the page paths.

This example assumes that the Excel file has a single sheet with a column of page paths(you got one additional column which you can change the code for). It will iterate through each row in the sheet, and create a page at the specified path if it does not already exist.




View solution in original post

1 Reply


Correct answer by
Level 4



Here is an example of how you can read the paths from an Excel file and create pages in AEM using the Java Content Repository (JCR) API:


import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

public class PageCreator {

    private Session session;

    public PageCreator(Session session) {
        this.session = session;

    public void createPagesFromExcel(String excelFilePath) throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        // Open the Excel file
        FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(excelFilePath));
        Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);

        // Iterate through each sheet in the workbook
        for (Sheet sheet : workbook) {
            // Iterate through each row in the sheet
            for (Row row : sheet) {
                // Get the first cell in the row (should contain the path)
                Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
                String path = cell.getStringCellValue();

                // Check if the path exists in the JCR
                if (!session.nodeExists(path)) {
                    // Create the page
                    Node page = createPage(path);

    private Node createPage(String path) throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // Get the parent node of the page
        String parentPath = getParentPath(path);
        Node parentNode = session.getNode(parentPath);

        // Get the name of the page
        String pageName = getPageName(path);

        // Create the page node
        Node page = parentNode.addNode(pageName, "cq:Page");

        // Save the changes

        return page;

    private String getParentPath(String path) {
        int lastSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
        return path.substring(0, lastSlashIndex);

    private String getPageName(String path) {
        int lastSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
        return path.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);


 Note that this code is just a sample and is not intended to be used as is. You will need to modify it to fit your specific requirements.

To use this class, you will need to create an instance of it and pass in a JCR session. Then, you can call the createPagesFromExcel method, passing in the path to the Excel file containing the page paths.

This example assumes that the Excel file has a single sheet with a column of page paths(you got one additional column which you can change the code for). It will iterate through each row in the sheet, and create a page at the specified path if it does not already exist.


