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CQ5 Issues with publishing content after making edits


Level 1

I have made an edit to this page, simply removing a logo from the footer. After removing the logo, this change is not being reflected on the frontend of the page that was edited.

I've tried creating new versions of the page and activating the page, but nothing is successfully publishing the updates to the frontend (though it does say the page has been published from the webistes console view). 

How can I make sure that the content is published?



6 Replies


Level 10

Are you seeing the page updated on the Publisher instance? That is, did replication work? 


Level 1

If I'm understanding you correctly, I believe so. The changes to the page in the editor view are retained after logging out and back in. 


Level 10

Take a look at the page on the AEM Publish instance. Make sure that the changes were pushed out. Sounds like a Replication issue. 




Please check these 2 things:

1. On Author instance check for error in AEM error.log while replicating (Activating).

2. Also check of error in publisher once replication is done.

3.Check on your publisher on localhost:4503/sytem/console/requests the trace of the request, which does not work. This facility will indicate, if you have a problem with the sling resource resolution


Kautuk Sahni


Level 1

I am new to CQ and a bit unfamiliar with the workflow.

How can I make sure that changes are pushed after making edits?

Also, where can I find the error.log ?

When I check the Audit log on the sidekick, there is not much detail (screenshot below).


Level 10

As a new AEM user - read these docs:


By default - the AEM error.log is here: crx-quickstart\logs

It sounds like you have not replicated the content properly.