I am trying to upgrade jquery version from 1.11 to 2.0.0. After updating the version in js.txt file, jquery file is not getting minified. I am getting below error :-
com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl Error during assembly of library. org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Compilation produced 30 syntax errors.
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.JsFileBuilder$1.runtimeError(JsFileBuilder.java:102)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse(Parser.java:392)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse(Parser.java:337)
at com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.JavaScriptCompressor.parse(JavaScriptCompressor.java:312)
at com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.JavaScriptCompressor.<init>(JavaScriptCompressor.java:533)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.JsFileBuilder.minify(JsFileBuilder.java:78)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.AbstractBuilder.build(AbstractBuilder.java:37)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.update(HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.java:1652)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.getCacheNode(HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.java:1594)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.getLastModified(HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.java:1423)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryImpl.getLastModified(HtmlLibraryImpl.java:150)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.send(HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.java:1445)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryImpl.send(HtmlLibraryImpl.java:166)
at com.day.cq.widget.impl.HtmlLibraryServlet.doGet(HtmlLibraryServlet.java:92)
at org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingSafeMethodsServlet.mayService(SlingSafeMethodsServlet.java:268)
at org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingSafeMethodsServlet.service(SlingSafeMethodsServlet.java:344)
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Rahul,
AEM version till 6.1 uses YUI compressor by default. This particular compressor is not so perfect and throws error many time when you try to add any plugin which is not compilable and minified using this compressor. Especially most of the latest JS frameworks wont be compatible with this compressor. Said that, I could find that Jquery 2+ versions are not compatible with this compressor YUI Compressor 2.4.8 failed on jQuery 2.2 · Issue #234 · yui/yuicompressor · GitHub
Unfortunately, there is not solution for this. Only one thing which you can do at this point if you really want to upgrade Jquery is to disbale minification in publish and directly use a minified version of your JS.
You can disable minification as mentioned below
Client Library Configuration: Minify and Debug | AEM Tips
PS:- AEM 6.2 onwards you can use Google Closure Compiler (GCC) which is more advanced and supports almost all latest JS. Read more here How to Use The Google Closure Compiler with AEM 6.2+ | Adobe
Its recommended to use AEM Version of JQuery.
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Thanks for the quick response.
Could you please let me know the supported Jquery version for CQ5.6?
Or please suggest any link where i can get this.
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If you create a clientlibs and use the property dependencies and set the values as a string[] and cq.jquery - you can make use of the version that AEM is using. THen load a page and you can inspect the page using Chrome.
javascript - Get jQuery version from inspecting the jQuery object - Stack Overflow
Hope this helps...
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Hi Rahul,
AEM version till 6.1 uses YUI compressor by default. This particular compressor is not so perfect and throws error many time when you try to add any plugin which is not compilable and minified using this compressor. Especially most of the latest JS frameworks wont be compatible with this compressor. Said that, I could find that Jquery 2+ versions are not compatible with this compressor YUI Compressor 2.4.8 failed on jQuery 2.2 · Issue #234 · yui/yuicompressor · GitHub
Unfortunately, there is not solution for this. Only one thing which you can do at this point if you really want to upgrade Jquery is to disbale minification in publish and directly use a minified version of your JS.
You can disable minification as mentioned below
Client Library Configuration: Minify and Debug | AEM Tips
PS:- AEM 6.2 onwards you can use Google Closure Compiler (GCC) which is more advanced and supports almost all latest JS. Read more here How to Use The Google Closure Compiler with AEM 6.2+ | Adobe
Very well explained by Veena_07
Did you try using/including already minified version of jquery 2.x.x?
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I tried compressing minified version of jquery 2.2.4 (https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js ) with online YUI compressor and it was successful:
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No abhishek. I no longer use 5.6 . For last 1 n half years we are using 6.1 and now 6.2 . So I am not sure what version of YUI compressor is present in 5.6 .
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Thank you Veena.
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