Hi Community and Staffs,
I'm new to AEM6.1 and just want to seek help from here. I am building packages recently using crxde package manager and curl commands, however, I have encountered an error that does not allow me to build packages anymore. I deleted the package that I've built everytime and now I am confused that I've encountered this error. Am I doing it right? How can I free up space and on what directory should I free up?
Can someone help me regarding with this matter? Any answer is really appreciated. Thank you!
Best Regards,
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Tagging people who help me a lot:
Jörg Hoh , User Testing , smacdonald2008
Cleanup/Increase the temp directory space however you've configured it, either /tmp on linux/Mac or if you pass it via cmd line to AEM using -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir
Hi ,
Thank you for your answer., can you elaborate on how can I cleanup the temp directory space? where can I find the /tmp? thank you
Check the AEM start script (bat/sh/command line/terminal)
Do you see any parameter like this one -Djava.io.tmpdir=</path/to/tmpdir>
If yes, then /path/to/tmpdir is the configured temp directory for your AEM instance.
Otherwise, on mac/linux - check the size of /tmp or delete everything under /tmp to create some space.
If you're using Win, then open '%temp%' in Run command and cleanup/delete files and create more space in temp directory.
Hi ,
Thank you for your quick response, is /tmp accessible via localhost:4502/crx/de? I am using linux
that is via filesystem
open terminal and check the size of /tmp
df -h /tmp
Hi ,
it returned this result:
Total size : 7.8gb
Used size : 7.7gb
Available size: 5.5mb
Mounted on : /
Am I doing it right? How can I clean up this? thank you so much
yes, you're fine. there is hardly any memory free in /tmp
cd /tmp
rm -rf *
run 'rm' within /tmp only
I'm currently not in my machine anymore. Is it safe to rm rf tmp ? Can I have a chance to take a look inside the tmp folder before I do the procedure?
yes you should check what you're about to delete..
It depends on what all applications are running on that m/c and using /tmp.
du -sh /tmp/*
or simply check with ls -la
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Thank you, I will give a feedback a couple of hours later. I will let you know if I've been able to build packages again. Is this one of many options to consider or is there any other workaround to consider? Can you elaborate to me why this /tmp go full when its jusr holding a temporary file? Thank you so much
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/tmp is the shared space for all apps running on that m/c hence in your case even 7.8 GB wasn't enough/was occupied by other apps and not available to AEM.
You may allocate a dedicated temp space to AEM via '-Djava.io.tmpdir=</path/to/tmpdir>' in the start script or otherwise clean /tmp as and when required/periodically.
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Hi gauravb41175071,
our IT said that /dev/xvda1 is a root folder, therefore cannot be deleted. Am I on the right path?
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I have deleted the packages that I have build before but still this error shows up
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you don't have to delete/unmount /dev/xvda1, you just need to clear the files under it so that you can create more space that AEM would be able to utilize for building package.
from where did you delete the packages; /crx/packmgr or within /tmp (/dev/xvda1) ?
If you're not allowed to delete /tmp files, then its better to shutdown AEM and allocate a dedicated temp space and then reboot and create your package to AEM.
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Hi gauravb41175071,
I deleted the packages from /crx/packmgr . and still I can't build any packages
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Hey Alvin,
Potential problem here is that you are trying to build tooo big package. E.g. you selected too high parent node, that contains too much data underneath and tmp run's out of space. As tmp is used as temporary copy location in this implementation of crx/packmgr.
As @gauravb41175071 said what you are seeing here, is an error that happens when you do not have enough disk space on your device.
Imagine copying a large video file in a small disk with not enough space, you get error insufficient space.
Here, you are seeing similar.
Speak again to your IT guy's what is a good place to put temporary files, then when starting up your AEM instance during startup add paratemerts -Djava.io.tmpdir with the path needed[0][1]
[0] configuration - Environment variable to control java.io.tmpdir? - Stack Overflow
[1] Command Line Start and Stop
Hi PuzanovsP,
I have deleted every package that I built every time, how come I have produced this error? Can you help me? still not clear on me. Thank you
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Dear Alvin,
There is a problem in your temporary folder location and not in packages stored in package manager.
You need to:
Deleting packages from package manager won't solve it. You are removing files from jcr by deleting not from temp place.
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Hi PuzanovsP,
I have saw a vaultpack here in my /tmp , is this something related to AEM package files? and is this safe to delete?
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