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Converting jsp to HTL


Level 3

Hi I am trying to convert my existing jsp to htl. I am stuck at preparing valuemapresource which was included in jsp like below

ValueMap vm= new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<>());
vm.put("granite:class", "classname");
vm.put("value", value);
vm.put("name", name);
vm.put("text", text);
ValueMapResource valueMapResource = new ValueMapResource(resourceResolver, resource.getPath(), "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/checkbox", vm);
<sling:include resource="<%= valueMapResource %>"/>

 I wanted to convert this above snippet to HTL using data-sly-resource. could you let me know how can i be able to prepare this similar resource in htl.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi Srikanth,


HTL is strictly presentation layer. There is no way to create objects or write any logic  in HTL. You need a support class(Sling Model or Use class) to return ValueMapResource object. The returned object can be included in HTL.



View solution in original post

7 Replies


Level 8

You need to create a java class for this. if you are looking to populate dropdown then the below article may help you.




Level 3
I dont think u understood my question my correctly


Level 2

You can simply create a node in crx/de of required resource type (here : "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/checkbox") . You can add the properties to node, like here you're putting it in ValueMap and  you can include that resource using data-sly-resource HTL syntax like below :


<div data-sly-resource="path/to/resource"></div>

For more ways to include resources using HTL please refer : https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-htl/using/htl/block-statements.html#resour... 


Level 3
I don't know why I have to introduce node here ? for creating a resource the value map properties are dynamic not sure how we update to static node.and utlize it dynamically


Level 2

Looking at the code snippet, I thought it's static one.


Level 2

 You can use granite data sources for generating the dynamic list / checkbox options. See here :

OR you can create a Java WCM Use POJO and manipulate your fields in the same. You can use Node API to create node and add properties dynamically. See here :https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38888773/programmatically-add-node-in-aem 


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi Srikanth,


HTL is strictly presentation layer. There is no way to create objects or write any logic  in HTL. You need a support class(Sling Model or Use class) to return ValueMapResource object. The returned object can be included in HTL.