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Convert SCR annotations to OSGI R6/R7 annotations without doing manually changes


Level 2

I Am new to AEM. Doing  migration from 6.4 to cloud there i need convert SCR Annotations to OSGI R6/R7 annotations  .I Don't want to do  manually changes like changing each and every file  annotations. without doing manually changes is there any way it will convert SCR annotations to R6/R7 respective annotations. Your suggestions will be very grateful for me .



4 Replies


Level 9

Hi @prachiat 


Personally I am not aware of any tool to do this automatically for you. I believe you will need to do it manually on each file.


Maybe could leverage the Find/Replace in all files capability of Intellij, using some smart regular expressions. But the effort you will put into those regex to be error proof and do what you expect, you could as well just start changing the annotations manually.


Around how many files do you have ? Are that many ?


Community Advisor

There are no automation tools available to change the annotations . You will have to do this manually and test it. 


Community Advisor

Hi @prachiat 

As mentioned by @Tethich  there is no tool that do conversion.

However you can write your own script based on mapping



Example : AI generated python script 


import re
import os

# Mapping of OSGi SCR annotations to OSGi R6/R7 annotations
    "@Component": "@Component",
    "@Service": "@Component(service = {REPLACE})",
    "@Reference": "@Reference",
    "@Property": "@AttributeDefinition(name = \"REPLACE\")",
    "@Activate": "@Activate",
    "@Deactivate": "@Deactivate",
    "@Modified": "@Modified"

# Function to convert a single file
def convert_file(file_path):
    with open(file_path, "r") as file:
        content = file.read()
    # Convert annotations
    for old_annotation, new_annotation in ANNOTATION_MAP.items():
        if old_annotation in content:
            content = re.sub(re.escape(old_annotation), new_annotation, content)
    # Replace SCR-specific imports
    content = content.replace("import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.", "import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.")
    with open(file_path, "w") as file:

# Function to process all Java files in a directory
def convert_directory(directory):
    for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".java"):
                convert_file(os.path.join(root, file))

# Run script
directory_path = input("Enter the directory path containing Java files: ")
print("Conversion complete!")




Arun Patidar


Level 10

Hi @prachiat,

ChatGPT can help you speed up the process, it is pretty good for simple tasks like this. It can even help you create a script for it. However, don't trust it blindly


Good luck,
