- the author requests that certain content be published (activated); this can be initiated by a manual request, or by automatic triggers which have been preconfigured.
- the request is passed to the appropriate default replication agent; an environment can have several default agents which will always be selected for such actions.
- the replication agent "packages" the content and places it in the replication queue.
- in the Websites tab the colored status indicator is set for the individual pages.
- the content is lifted from the queue and transported to the publish environment using the configured protocol; usually this is HTTP.
- a servlet in the publish environment receives the request and publishes the received content; the default servlet ishttp://localhost:4503/bin/receive.
- multiple author and publish environments can be configured.
For more information - https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/deploy/configuring/replication.html