Hi All ,
I have CQ 5.4 running on RHEL 5.8
We are seeing that the most of the times the images getting updated on CRX author instance when published are not properly updating on publish instances and on to the livesite.
Any ideas or pointers
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You getting any errors in lig when you publish content?
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Please have a look at this old forum post:-
Link:- https://forums.adobe.com/message/4263826#4263826
// The issue was that after creating a new site on an author instance, when viewing it on the publish site the page was not rendering correclty. The visible symptom was that initial HTML tags (for HTML, HEAD, META, and BODY) were being generated, but the content was not be filled in.
I did Activate my content properly, however, because it was a new site, and I had generated new components and site templates which resided in the "apps" folder and assets in the "etc" folder, they were not available to be rendered and so the HTML page was blank (because they could not be found on the publish instance). What I did was use the "Activate Tree" under the Tools section to publish content in /content/mysite. What I missed was using the Activate Tree to publish items I had created in /etc/designs/mysite and /apps/mysite.
Some Troubleshooting
1. Check in crx-quickstart/logs/error.log
2. then check on your publish on localhost:4503/sytem/console/requests the trace of the request, which does not work
Reference Link:- https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1188388
Reference Link 2:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15017357/issue-with-publishing-a-new-page-in-cq5
//Issue with publishing a new page in CQ5
You need to activate/replicate your /apps/site folder where all of your templates and components are located to push it from your author instance to your publish instance. Activating a page doesn't automatically activate the components and templates it uses.
Go to:
Browse to or type /apps/[your site] in the path field
Set the check boxes to fit what you want to activate (Unchecking all will make everything under the selected path activate)
Click 'Dry Run' to see what will get activated without actually activating. (This is more of an informative step to help ensure you don't activate something not intended in a production setting)
Click 'Activate' to activate.
You can then check your publish instance to see your templates and code are there.
It is easy to miss activating your apps folder as there is no ui like the website admin for pages where you can activate.
Activating a page/folder/asset does not activate sub-pages/folders/assets. This can cause confusion especially when working with folders.
Generally if you need to activate a tree the best way is to use the tree activation utility
I hope this would be of some help to you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
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Thanks Kautuk Sahni and Mac , One thing I have noticed that one of the replication agent on the Author instance was inconsistent with respect to the connection , I did a test connection and it failed ,but times it is getting succeeded . I assume that could be one reason where itis failing to replicate the content on the publish server. I thought of doing a tar optimization and version purging on the publishers , but still this is a thought , do you have any better thoughts or pointers
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