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Compress/Minify the HTML page ( not the js and css which can do by GZIp)


Level 3

I intend to compress/Minfy my HTML output so that the html size becomes less which increases the performance . 


eg : view-source:https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/getting-start... 

lots of white space if you see the source code . 




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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Hi @ebin_Aby ,


HTML compression needs to be implemented on your web server. If its Apache, you can use mod_deflate module. Please follow [1] for steps and [2] for documentation


[1] - https://knackforge.com/blog/karalmax/how-enable-gzip-compression-apache

[2] - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_deflate.html

View solution in original post

9 Replies



The following document may be helpful:



Try rebuilding the clientlibs via File System, as per: https://helpx.adobe.com/ca/experience-manager/kb/How-to-force-a-recompilation-of-all-Sling-scripts-j...


* Moreover, what kind of errors do you see in the error.log file?


Level 3
this is for JS and Css not for HTML



You can strip whitspaces in HTML with something like htmlcompressor [0].





To add to this, the overhead of doing whitespace compression is much bigger than the gain of just enabling gzip compression on the non-minified content. Gzip is pretty good in compressing spaces as well. More at https://www.peterbe.com/plog/html-whitespace-compression and [0]​. Even so, some HTML elements should not be stripped from whitespace (see Collapse Whitespace [1]).


[0]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7115217/any-reason-not-to-strip-whitespace-in-html

[1]: https://www.modpagespeed.com/doc/filter-whitespace-collapse


Level 9

Hi @ebin_Aby 

AEM OOTB doesn't have default option to minify html. 

Minification option is available for css /js by default . 


If you need to minify html output, you need to use html compression library which is custom implementation. 

There are many plugins are available to achieve the minification of html. One of the simplest is 

maven  html compression tag library, which you can import and use it for html minification. 



You can achieve the same towards apache layer as well. mod-pagespeed is one of the plugin which includes minification/compression of html along with other features which contribute to page performance. You can find more details in below article. 



Level 3
Thanks for the inputs .


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

Hi @ebin_Aby ,


HTML compression needs to be implemented on your web server. If its Apache, you can use mod_deflate module. Please follow [1] for steps and [2] for documentation


[1] - https://knackforge.com/blog/karalmax/how-enable-gzip-compression-apache

[2] - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_deflate.html


Level 1


I see mod_deflate is for compression not minification. Is there a recommended alternative for minifying the HTML files? We have found many references to mod_pagespeed but the last version of the module was released in 2018 and there is no active development (https://groups.google.com/g/mod-pagespeed-discuss/c/dKz1KKjEII0).


Community Advisor

I don't think so, removing whitespaces would make much difference in performance. If you have large pages in sizes then it may but for small pages, it may not.

Arun Patidar