Hi everyone.
Would like to ask how to fix this one. I have a component developed. Then at some point I can't add it anymore to the template and it just shows
and the error shows
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Are you facing this on your local AEM instance?
Can you try removing the jcr:lastModified node from the crx manually.
Ah, yup. Only on the local.
On which node should I remove the jcr:lastModified?
Are you trying to add/modify the jcr:lastModified via component code ?
Ideally dont do that.
Also, create a new page and try adding the component to the page, that will rule out of the issue is with the component or a one of issue with the page/template itself.
No, I'm not doing anything like that.
And I can't add the component on a new page cause I'm blocked by that (whenever I tried to add it on the page).
I tried adding other components but they worked fine.
Can you check if you have a jcr:lastModified property in your component, ideally there should not be
I can't check it as the component can't be added on the page and doesn't get added to the ~/root/container_main of the page
Can you once check the properties of your component in /apps.
See if you find any anomalies
Sure, will check and get back here if I see something
Hello @LyonMartin ,
Based on your discussion with @maheshp I am guessing the problem is in your newly created component. Since on the page, you can add other components except for the new one.
But it's really difficult to say why this problem occurred without seeing the code.
Still, you can recheck your component properties or create a demo project and try to see what behaves there.
Hello @LyonMartin
The logs refer to path as "/content/acom/language-masters/**************************/jcr:content/root/container_main/{component}"
Apologies, it may be my lack of understanding, but what is {component}. This node name seems weird.
Is the component creating any default structure or adding default properties?
oh, it's just a placeholder for my component. I just didn't named it as maybe I'll be in trouble legally
Basically, it is a component with a carousel as supertype.
Thanks for the clarification @LyonMartin
Second part of the question still remains: Is the component creating any default structure or adding default properties?
There is none. It also doesn't have cq_template.
Hi @LyonMartin,
I had a similar issue in my local and then I found out that it was caused due to an empty folder in my component structure. I had an empty _cq_template folder (wanted to add a file later) but once I removed that folder, I was able to use my component as intended.
So please check if you have any empty files or folders which might cause this issue.