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Complete participant step through code


Level 3


I am trying to complete participant step through code from a scheduler. So I am getting service resource resolver with full read/write permission on repository. Then I am adapting to WorkflowSession. I am able to retrieve every data I need but at last step when I am trying to do workflowSession.complete(workitem, route) then I am getting exception that 'service-user' is unable to load '/var/waorkflow/instance .... ' .

Is there anything need to be configured to get this done?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

I have found the issue. Service user need to be added as workflow super user even though it had full read/write access to repository.

View solution in original post

6 Replies


Level 7


the exception that you are facing seems to be related to permission.

Have you checked if your service user has read and modify permission under /var/workflow path?

By the way, why do you need to make this execution? Probably, if you need to make some stuff automatically, you can create a copy of this workflow by removing the participant step.

Let us know.




Level 3

I have checked the permission. It has full read, modify, create, delete, read ACL, write ACL, Replicate permission to complete repository.

Still its not able to read.

Using AEM 6.4


Level 3

One more important point is I am getting exception only when calling workflowsession.getroutes(workitem, true). Otherwise I am able to load workitem and access all its values.

This worlflowsession is resourceResoover.adaptTo(WorkflowSession.class)

Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong


Level 7


can you share the full stacktrace?




Correct answer by
Level 3

I have found the issue. Service user need to be added as workflow super user even though it had full read/write access to repository.


Level 7

So, permission issue