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com.adobe.cq.export.json cannot resolve com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation


Level 3

Hi all

I am running a recently upgraded AEM 6.3 instance. Upgraded from 6.1

After installing AEM-6.3-Service-Pack-1, the com.adobe.cq.export.json bundle cannot resolve the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation bundle

com.adobe.cq.export.json is version 0.0.12

com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation is version 2.8.4

The "Imported Packages" statement for com.adobe.cq.export.json has "com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation,version=[2.8,3) from com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations"

Give that com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation is version 2.8.4 the import statement seems valid. What am I not seeing?

Error message below:

*ERROR* [qtp998235579-61] org.apache.felix.http.jetty %bundles.pluginTitle: Cannot start (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve com.adobe.cq.export.json [660](R 660.0): missing requirement [com.adobe.cq.export.json [660](R 660.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation)(version>=2.8.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) Unresolved requirements: [[com.adobe.cq.export.json [660](R 660.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation)(version>=2.8.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))])

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve com.adobe.cq.export.json [660](R 660.0): missing requirement [com.adobe.cq.export.json [660](R 660.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation)(version>=2.8.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) Unresolved requirements: [[com.adobe.cq.export.json [660](R 660.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation)(version>=2.8.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))]

4 Replies


Level 10

Have you tried checking these with AEM Dependency finder?


Level 10

Also -- check this community thread -- Alternatives of Deprecated JSON API in AEM 6.3


Level 3


I noticed that after upgrading from 6.1 to 6.3, the "System Bundle" has "org.apache.sling.launchpad.api,version=1.1.0" in the "Import Packages" statement.

But looking at a fresh install of 6.3, I see that "System Bundle" has "org.apache.sling.launchpad.api,version=1.2.0" in the "Import Packages" statement.

What does this mean? Did my upgrade fail?



Level 10

The upgrade should have build this with the correct versions. I recommend opening a support ticket as you may need a hotfix.