Please have a look at this community article:-
Link:- http://labs.6dglobal.com/blog/2014-07-15/client-side-form-validation-and-submission/
// It covers Client-side custom form validation and submission in Adobe CQ
Note:- In modern browsers, end users have way to bypass those validations and manually do submissions using various techniques, Such as Web Browser DevTools Console. So you need to choose wisely between client side and server side validation.
I have also asked internal team to help you here.
Some Reference link:-
Link:- https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/develop/components/developing-forms.html [Search for Client Validation]
Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/configuring-submit-actions.html
I hope this would be of some help to you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
Kautuk Sahni