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Classic UI Vs Touch UI


Level 1

Hi all,

I understand that Touch UI enables content authors to create content using touch devices also along with desktop/laptops, as opposed to Classic UI that works only for desktop/laptops.

But, in lay man's terms, how is this achieved?

I read that Responsive is one of the characteristics of Touch UI. Is it this characteristic that is causing this?

But, this Responsive characteristic has been there for a long time and I do not think it is this one.

A second related query is "Is it not highly inconvenient for an author to create content using small view ports of mobile devices, as opposed to desktop/laptops?".

Appreciate your responses.




1 Reply


Level 10

Concepts of the Touch UI are explained here: Concepts of the AEM Touch-Enabled UI

The more important thing to understand is Touch UI is the way forward in AEM. You should be using TOuch UI as much as possible when building components, etc. This includes using Granite to build your component dialogs, etc - as discussed here:

Building Experience Manager Components using Granite/Coral Resource Types

Also, at some point, Classic UI will disappear in AEM.