Picking the right customer data platform (CDP) is not quite as simple as it sounds.
You already know the exciting benefits of launching or updating your CDP. You have heard all about how CDPs are the future, set to replace data management platforms (DMP) so you can offer your customers wildly better experiences than before. And now you need to choose the right CDP — one that will prove its value and deliver on all the promises you’ve heard about.
While CDPs are known for their quick time to value, the CDP purchasing process can be a little tricky and time-consuming — especially if your organization has never implemented one before. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to augment your CDP’s capabilities, there are a few key things you should know before choosing your CDP.
Seven things to look for in your CDP — and one to avoid
A CDP for any organization should check the following boxes:
1. Real-time data streaming and data ingestion
The future of marketing is real time, and it is a capability in which modern CDPs excel. Make sure your CDP streams and ingests data in real time so you always see your customers in the present moment — and not how they were a week or more ago.
2. Purpose-built as a CDP by a trusted organization
Many CDPs in the marketplace are cobbled together from disparate technologies, and some are created by young and unproven organizations. Because your CDP handles one of your company’s most important assets — your customer data — it is a good idea to choose a solution from a reliable source that built the CDP from the ground up.
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Kautuk Sahni