Hi All,
I am trying to change the default admin password. I referred to the kb article but that refers to old versions of cq.
As per adobe docs
1)The AEM admin account needs to be changed
2)The admin password for the OSGi Web console needs to be changed
For step1 when i try to click the change password link the corresponding dialog is not opening up.
Can someone please help me on this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Option 1:-
Go to "http://localhost:4502/projects.html"
Tools-> operations->Security->Users find "admin" User -> click it-> Under Account Settings there is option for Change Password.
Option 2:- CRX Explorer
Go to "http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/index.jsp"
User Administration-> Find Admin user-> Change Password
Option 3:- ConfigMGr
Go to :- http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
Configure "Apache Felix OSGI Management Console" -> Change password -> Save
Option 4:- Curl
Link:- http://labs.6dglobal.com/blog/2015-06-03/changing-user-passwords-aem-61-curl/
First, we'll call the Query Builder via cURL to get the path to the user:
curl -s -u admin:admin -X GET "http://localhost:4502/bin/querybuilder.json?path=/home/users&1_property=rep:authorizableId&1_propert...{USER_NAME}&p.limit=-1" > user.json
Next, we read the path from the JSON result:
USER_PATH=`ruby -rjson -e 'j = JSON.parse(File.read("user.json")); puts j["hits"][0]["path"]'`
Finally, the USER_PATH variable can be used to set the user's password:
curl -s -u admin:admin -Fplain={NEW_PASSWORD} -Fverify={NEW_PASSWORD} -Fold={OLD_PASSWORD} -FPath=$USER_PATH http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/ui/setpassword.jsp
Putting it all together, if I wanted to change the admin user's password I would call:
curl -s -u admin:admin -X GET "http://localhost:4502/bin/querybuilder.json?path=/home/users&1_property=rep:authorizableId&1_propert..." > user.json
USER_PATH=`ruby -rjson -e 'j = JSON.parse(File.read("user.json")); puts j["hits"][0]["path"]'`
curl -s -u admin:admin -Fplain=admin1 -Fverify=admin1 -Fold=admin -FPath=$USER_PATH http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/ui/setpassword.jsp
I hope this would be helpful to you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
Hi Jaypal,
I am able to change admin password in AEM 6.1.
Can u check if u have any errors in console and also monitor the error logs in crx/de upon clicking the change password link.
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Changing the password of Admin user. Refer [1]
[1] https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/security/granite-user-group-admin.html#Changing the Password for an Existing User
For changing the Felix console pwd,
1. Goto /system/console/configMgr
2. Search for 'Apache Felix OSGi Management Console' and Click on it.
3. Change the password attribute and save.
Hope this helps !
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Hi Jai,
The replies posted for this question should solve your problem. Please try the same and mark this as solved, otherwise let the community know what problem you are facing after while trying.
Try to capture the error log,
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Option 1:-
Go to "http://localhost:4502/projects.html"
Tools-> operations->Security->Users find "admin" User -> click it-> Under Account Settings there is option for Change Password.
Option 2:- CRX Explorer
Go to "http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/index.jsp"
User Administration-> Find Admin user-> Change Password
Option 3:- ConfigMGr
Go to :- http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
Configure "Apache Felix OSGI Management Console" -> Change password -> Save
Option 4:- Curl
Link:- http://labs.6dglobal.com/blog/2015-06-03/changing-user-passwords-aem-61-curl/
First, we'll call the Query Builder via cURL to get the path to the user:
curl -s -u admin:admin -X GET "http://localhost:4502/bin/querybuilder.json?path=/home/users&1_property=rep:authorizableId&1_propert...{USER_NAME}&p.limit=-1" > user.json
Next, we read the path from the JSON result:
USER_PATH=`ruby -rjson -e 'j = JSON.parse(File.read("user.json")); puts j["hits"][0]["path"]'`
Finally, the USER_PATH variable can be used to set the user's password:
curl -s -u admin:admin -Fplain={NEW_PASSWORD} -Fverify={NEW_PASSWORD} -Fold={OLD_PASSWORD} -FPath=$USER_PATH http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/ui/setpassword.jsp
Putting it all together, if I wanted to change the admin user's password I would call:
curl -s -u admin:admin -X GET "http://localhost:4502/bin/querybuilder.json?path=/home/users&1_property=rep:authorizableId&1_propert..." > user.json
USER_PATH=`ruby -rjson -e 'j = JSON.parse(File.read("user.json")); puts j["hits"][0]["path"]'`
curl -s -u admin:admin -Fplain=admin1 -Fverify=admin1 -Fold=admin -FPath=$USER_PATH http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/ui/setpassword.jsp
I hope this would be helpful to you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
Hi @kautuk_sahni ,
Is it mandatory to update the admin password for the OSGi Web console if we use the Option 4:- Curl ?
Or the curl does automatically the password update in the OSGi Web console ?
Thanks for the clarification,
Best regards,
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FYI - since labs.6dglobal.com is down, here's a link to the post about changing password via curl on my personal blog: https://www.danklco.com/posts/2015/06/03/changing-user-passwords-aem-61-curl/