I would appreciate any information regarding the proper way to build a catalog and product pages in AEM.
According to my understanding I need to:
1. Create a tags structure that represents my products hierarchy
2. Import my products (each one is associated to one or more tags)
3. Create a structure of catalog blueprints - also according to my products' hierarchy. link the blueprints to the corresponding tag.
4. Create page blueprints (define the structure of the page)
5. Roll out the page blueprints (do i roll out the pages or the catalog blue print? the catalog has the products info but the pages has the page layout)
6. Publish everything (Tags, Products, Pages)
is this process correct?
what part you think should be automated and what should be manual?
my catalog is also multi-lingual - i would appreciate any information regarding roll outs of multi-lingual product pages