This may be a silly question, but I am having trouble determining if the Adaptive Forms Core Components can be used without using AEM Forms, just based on the documentation. I have been reviewing this documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/adaptive-forms/intr...
But I am unable to determine for certain if they are solely for AEM Forms users.
My team is looking to create a Dynamic Form feature in our AEM 6.5 project. We do not want to use AEM Forms. We are currently reviewing if any of the Core Components could be helpful in this goal. The Adaptive Forms Core Components caught my eye, but again, I am uncertain if these are for use in AEM Forms only.
If they are not solely for AEM Forms use, how can they be installed into an AEM 6.5 project?
Any clarification would be appreciated!
Thank you,