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Can I use a selector to request a font?


Level 5

Hi guys,


We use selectors to "bust caches" on the dispatcher. For example:




Then when that image gets updated the selector 20200916 updates and the browser requests a new image with the new url.


UPDATE: In response to a question: We don't want to clear the cache. We prefer to bust the cache. This way when an asset is updated, the modified date increases and the clients can use that to request a new asset. Then we can set the browser cache time to be unlimited but the new resource will be requested anyway when it is updated. That way, if we update the page, but the font doesn't change, the browser will continue to cache. the font.


We'd like to do the same thing for a custom font (yes we have a custom font that we update), but the same selector trick doesn't work.

For example, 

/content/dam/static/fonts/icon-font/icon-font.1234.ttf and /content/dam/static/fonts/icon-font/icon-font.ttf.transform/original/icon-font.20200916.ttf both return a 404.


Is there anyway I can make this work?




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5 Replies


Level 5

Do you have any specific reason for the selector approach? We have many other ways to clear the cache.


Could you share the rules written on the disp files for the same?


Reference article: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/configuring/page-invalida...


Level 5

We don't want to clear the cache. We prefer to bust the cache. This way when an asset is updated, the modified date increases and the clients can use. that to request a new asset. Then we can set the browser cache time to be unlimited but the new resource will be requested anyway. That way, if we update the page, but the font doesn't change, the browser will continue to cache. the font.


Level 5
So is the answer, no?


Community Advisor

Noticed same that use of selector gives a 404. Can you see if using a query parameter ?v=123456 (/content/dam/static/fonts/icon-font/icon-font.1234.ttf and /content/dam/static/fonts/icon-font/icon-font.ttf.transform/original/icon-font.ttf?v=1605545369) works for you? Might need to check any node js capabilities to explore this


Level 5
A query parameter does not solve the issue as caching in the dispatcher can't be done by query parameter.