Hello, I'm currently working on a requirement for which translation of content fragments is required. The setup is pretty straight forward and translating the content fragments with Microsoft Machine Translation works basically. However, for some custom multi-fields with complex structure, the trans...
We have following persisted query: http://localhost:4502/graphql/execute.json/test-project/get-articles-by-path%3BstartsWith%3D%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Ftest-project The GraphQL query has the parameter "startsWith" which takes a path like this: query getArticlesByPath($startsWith: ID!) { articleCfmList(...
Hi, We are trying to enable caching of the persisted query on the dispatcher by following the instructions on https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/headless/deployment/dispatcher-caching.html?lang=en. However, even though the dispatcher is on the latest ve...
I'm trying to figure out how to determine the performance of a GraphQL query and can't find any tooling in AEM (Cloud version) that shows an explain plain or even rudimentary performance information for a GraphQL query. What am I missing? Is there a way to get this information? I've seen some questi...
Hi team,smartcropvideoviewer we have in scene7 crops the video according to the screen size and renders the video?var smartCropVideoViewer = new s7viewers.SmartCropVideoViewer({ "containerId":"s7viewer", "params":{ "asset":"html5automation/frisbee-AVS", "serverurl":"http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/imag...
Hi Team,When I try to hit the graphql API in publish domain, the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is not showing. I can see this header in normal pages.but only not coming in graphql API url. Could anyone please help me in this issue.I have followed below tutorial. But no luck.https://experience...
Hi Team,I have a requirement to make dynamic media autoplay what are the attributes we should add to make dynamic media autoplay without using params in new s7viewers.VideoViewer({ }) in javascript.
Hi Team,On submission of the form an email should be triggered along with the form data to the user. I have gone through the below link but need more info like how to configure google docs in power automation email configuration and all.https://main--afb--adobe.hlx.live/docs/email-pa Kindly help! T...