For incorporating any third party services/APIs in AEM, we have two direct possible routes - Via Java SDK(as available in Maven Central) and via Javascript SDK. Choice between the two depends on the availability, functional requirement and existing project set up.
With respect to AWS services, we have both SDK available and in this post, I am using AWS JAVA SDK V2.
Note : The intention of this post is to demonstrate the ways to make use of AWS service in AEM projects and not to illustrate about the AWS service itself.
AWS IAM user with Programmatic access type and with permissions to desired service set via Groups in IAM
Access Key and Secret key pertaining to the user as created above.
Reference : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_users_create.html
Include SDK in code base.
Set up the acquired Security credentials(Access key and Secret key)
Code the desired functionality
Include SDK in code base:
We can make use of simple maven project as mentioned in my previous post to build and install OSGI bundle out of desired AWS Java SDK V2 (maven dependency - https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/software.amazon.awssdk)
Decide on the service and use its respective maven dependency to build and install OSGI bundle out of the same.
With this step, AWS service of interest will be available in our instance in the form of OSGI bundle.
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Kautuk Sahni