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Automated Dispatcher Cache Clearance


Level 1

Hi Everyone!


I have an requirement to clear the dispatcher cache only when there is an need to clear them. The dispatcher cache needs to be cleared automatically when I provide an path as input. Kindly help on automating this.


Example: When I provide the path as input - htdocs/content/admin/gaja/file.1, the cache has to cleared automatically.

3 Replies


Level 10

Hi @Gaja01 ,

To automate the clearing of the Dispatcher cache for a specific path, you can use the `curl` command to send a `PURGE` request to the Dispatcher. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

1. Create a script: Create a script that takes the path as input and sends a `PURGE` request to the Dispatcher for that path. Here's an example script:


# Set the Dispatcher URL

# Get the path from the input

# Send a PURGE request to the Dispatcher for the path

Save this script as `clear-dispatcher-cache.sh` or any other name you prefer.

2. Make the script executable: Make the script executable by running the following command:

chmod +x clear-dispatcher-cache.sh

3. Run the script: Run the script with the path you want to clear the cache for as the input. For example:

./clear-dispatcher-cache.sh /htdocs/content/admin/gaja/file.1

This will send a `PURGE` request to the Dispatcher for the specified path, which will clear the cache for that path.

You can schedule this script to run automatically using a cron job or any other scheduling mechanism. For example, you can schedule it to run every hour or every day to ensure that the cache is cleared regularly.