Hi All
I am working on a use case to create private folder programmatically but in my local sdk when I am trying to get Authorizable object it is always coming null
Below is the code snippet
UserManager userManager = resolver.adaptTo(UserManager.class)
userManager.getAuthorizarble( “admin”):
resolver is comong from service user. Service user had admin permission
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@varuns48454013 you can refer this article for a similar implementation -
Solved: Get Current User by Using Jackrabbit - Adobe Experience League Community - 196414
@yashp0808 This uses administrative session which is deprecated.
On using service user in cloud sdk it doesnt work
However same code is working Aem 6.5 jar
Please avoid using administrative resource resolve or admin sessions for any use-cases. We might be able to exploit them in AEM 6.5, but on AEMaaCS its a strict NO.
Please create Service Users, assign permissions, map them against service/bundle and use them.
@aanchal-sikka That is correct. I am aware of it but my query is a bit different.
UserManager apis not working in Aem Cloud.
The API should work on Cloud as well.
Requesting you to please check, if the User that the Resolver belongs to have read access on:
Also, please try with a user other than 'admin'.
@aanchal-sikka I am using local sdk with admin user still its not getting resolved
@varuns48454013 Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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@kautuk_sahni No the issue is still not resolved. I am looking for some other way to get it working