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Asset Migration between 2 AEM instance using App builder


Level 4



I had a requirement to migrate assets with metadata from one AME instance to another AEM instance. For that we are using app builder. I am facing an issue were my Js code in app builder is not working for large volume of assets and subfolders.I couldn't able to debug/ trace the logs which are added in the JS. My logs are stopped in between. even though the action is running in the background. 


When running the app builder code in local, in the localhost session i am getting response was not ready(504) message and the activation logs stopped that time. Need your help how to check the logs and how to rid of this timeout issue.


Note: I am using assets http api for the asset migration. Tried adding the limit in app.config.yaml file like below. I have updated the time limit for 5min. But my logs are getting stopped within a minute and getting timeout issue in the result session.


function: actions/asset-migration/index.js
web: 'yes'
runtime: nodejs:18
timeout: 300000
require-adobe-auth: true
final: true
Thanks in advance!
Bhavani Bharanidharan.

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6 Replies


Community Advisor

If you are on aem cloud service or AMS you you can use cloud manager content copy feature to achieve this.


Level 4

Hi @DPrakashRaj ,


Thanks for your response. Can you please let me know in detail. Is that possible to copy assets and metadata from one AEM instance to another AEM instance?





Bhavani Bharanidharan


Community Advisor

Aem content copy tool: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/dev...

If the associated metadata of assets are attached with the assets then it will be copied as well and if that’s not the case then you can use metadata export feature of assets to migrate the metadata of the assets.

aem assets metadata export and import https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/admin/met....


Level 4

Hi @DPrakashRaj ,


I need to migrate the assets and associated metadata properties from one AEM Sites instance to another AEM instance.


I hope copy content option will be used only to copy content from one environment to another(eg:prod to dev / prod to QA like that) in a same organization.




Bhavani Bharanidharan


Community Advisor

Yes, I believe so.



@BhavaniBharani Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni