As stated by Ratna, if there is any title component on the page, then, you mush include Touch ui dialog under the component.
Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-sightly-component.html
// This is a community link, covering "Creating your first Adobe Experience Manager Sightly component".
Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-touchui-component.html
//Creating your first Adobe Experience Manager Touch UI component.
Section | Description |
A | JCR nodes that represent the component's dialog when used in the Touch UI view. |
B | JCR nodes that represent the component's dialog when used in the Classic UI view. |
C | The component JSP file. You can use application logic to get the values that a user entered into dialog values. |
D | The page component that lets an author drag the component from the Touch UI side rail onto an AEM web page during design time. |
E | The template on which the page component is based. |
So Read A and B point, 2 different tree for respective Ui's.
Reference Link:- http://www.willdev4donuts.com/aem6-touch-ui-cqdialog-vs-dialog/#.VneOmXYrLRY
//Touch UI cq:dialog vs dialog
I hope this would help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
Kautuk Sahni