Hi Team,
Hope you all good,
We created a new AEM site with latest archetype 35.
Now, we want to do following:
1) "All" module to be commented out in Parent POM.xml as we dont need to use this module.
2) Next is UI.apps should embed core bundle like below:
But It gives below error:
[ERROR] ValidationViolation: "jackrabbit-packagetype: Package of type 'APPLICATION' is not supposed to contain OSGi bundles or configurations!", filePath=jcr_root\apps\mymobile-packages\application\install\mymobile.core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, nodePath=/apps/mymobile-packages/application/install/mymobile.core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
I read that application type project does not embedd any OSGI Bundlem but with almost similar struture,with some old archtype, It was happening like that only.
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Can someone from community respond here, since this problem exists, even as of today. with filevault-package-maven-plugin upgraded to 1.3.2
With the new archetype, your install folder should go inside ui.config not ui.apps.All bundles and jar will go in this path.
Path to put your install folder: \ui.config\src\main\content\jcr_root\apps\<your-project-foldername>\install
And add a entry in filter.xml for ui.config module.
<filter root="/apps/<your-project-foldername>/install" mode="update"/>
This will resolve the issue as ui.apps package doesn't support jars and bundles and this should go with ui.config package
With the new archetype, your install folder should go inside ui.config not ui.apps.
Path to put your install folder: \ui.config\src\main\content\jcr_root\apps\<your-project-foldername>\install
And add a entry in filter.xml for ui.config module.
<filter root="/apps/<your-project-foldername>/install" mode="update"/>
This will resolve the issue as ui.apps package doesn't support jars and bundles and this should go with ui.config package